One word, one moment, one blessing

ephesiansLast night in our men’s group, we were sharing as usual about what scripture spoke to us over the last week and why? It is cool to sit back and just listen and take in what God is doing in others lives. How the text is jumping off the page for another and bringing peace and hope as it promises. But something that was shared last night touched my heart and has kept me thinking on it yet today. Our brother begin to tell us that he ended up studying on his role as a Godly husband and that the scripture spoke to him and told him he was to cherish his wife. He then indicated that he was pulled to tell his wife that very thing. That he cherished her. She looked at him and said that she had never heard him say that to her in all the years of their marriage. She was blessed. He was blessed. I don’t know if the words he spoke meant more to him and his wife or me but I will say that life was spoken into one soul from another. God breathed fresh air into a marriage for a moment. The text became life and ultimately touched someone.

We don’t often stop and thank our spouses and tell them how much they mean to us. We need to speak life into their day and ensure them that they are cherished. It only takes one word in one moment to make a blessing.

In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself. – Ephesians 5:28

  1. #1 by Susan on January 23, 2014 - 1:23 pm

    I hope someday I can find a Godly man. 🙂 You and Jules are a blessing in my life! I’m so glad you have each other to cherish.


    • #2 by Brian Suman on January 23, 2014 - 1:29 pm

      God has blessed us and He will bless you as well. Stay obedient.

      Blessings †


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